Return of goods
30-day money-back gurantee
The consumer has 30 days money-back guarantee. The 1st day is the day of recieving the goods. Should you wish to return the goods within 30 days we will refund the purchase price of the product. The condition for recieving back the full amount is that the item(s) is returned in its original packaging and in the same condition as when the item was received. If the item is not returned in the same condition as when it was received will reimburse the percieved resell value of the product.
Proper return of goods
Please package all returns to properly so the product does not deterioate during transport.
When in doubt
Please do not hessitate to contact if You are in doubt about any of the above.
Please contact us to arrange returnlabel
We will be happy to assist in arranging returnlabels.